Sebastián Rulli Al Desnudo
The Argentinean actor Sebastián Rulli, a previous Man of the Month here at Cisoto Fotos, is causing a sensation by appearing nude on stage in the play P.D. Tu gato ha muerto. Said play is the Mexican version of P.S. Your Cat Is Dead, which was filmed as a movie starring Steve Gutenberg and Lombardo Boyar (in the Rulli role). For more fotos of Sebastián Rulli in the role -- some of them not quite safe for work -- see this foto gallery from Terra and this thread on the Dreamcaps forums.

Labels: Sebastián Rulli
At 11:58 PMSebastian Rulli é meu homem ♥
At 1:51 AM
ZOMFG!???!!! Hussy, how the hell did Sebastian do this???!!! Why did he get naked???!!!! :(((((((((
Do you have any video of the play? How long will the play run? Omg! Why Sebastian, why??!!!!
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