Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Arap Bethke has a nice new photo gallery of Arap Bethke, one of the young stars of their telenovela, "Tierra de Pasiones". He was born on March 12, 1980 in Mexico. Update: MaxQLynn reports, "He was "born in Kenya but raised in Mexico. His father is German and his mother Chilean." Thanks, Max!

And while we're on the subject of "Tierra de Pasiones", here's a new photo, also from, of another of its' stars, Ricardo Chávez:

Arap Bethke on Cisoto Fotos:
Arap, Cuervo, and East
More Arap Bethke
Madre Luna
Doña Bárbara Hunks post
Los hombres de Doña Bárbara
"Doña Bárbara" Hunks At Work

Related posts: Ricardo Chávez | Bernie Paz

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Hello! I read from a newspaper article that Arap was born in Kenya but raised in Mexico. His father is German and his mother Chilean.

    By the way, he's gorgeous
