Monday, May 12, 2008

Francesco Cura’

Francesco Cura’ is an actor, singer, and former male fashion model who was born on March 7, 1977 in New York City. He's also an accomplished artist, with a degree as a Graphic Designer and Art History Specialist from a prestigious visual arts school in Europe, and a classically trained opera singer with a four-octave range. More fotos of him can be found on his web site,


Other links:
Wikipeida article
Francesco Cura Sex Appeal -- mike455's new blog devoted to this hot guy

My thanks to Jim for submitting most of these images. He's a Los Angeles based photographer who recently shot Francesco Cura’ for Stitch's Jeans, the results of which you can see on Jim's site,


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Oh my G.O.D. Now he is hot!! I'm glad to see him - he's certainly one of the best looking guys you have today!

  2. Oh my G.O.D.!!! Now this is hot...also because I have a blog about him too...but wow! great work. I drool over him everytimt. THANK YOU!!!!!

  3. hermoso! Beautiful!!

  4. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Hola, muy bueno tu blog, aunque siemp´relo visito no tengo mucho tiempo de comentar, espero sigs poniendo un enlace para descargar las fotos que presentas, de verdad te lo agradeceria... sigue asi.

  5. mike455: I edited the post to add a link to your blog. Good luck with it -- I'm looking to find out more about Francesco Cura!

  6. Anonymous6:42 AM

    He's perfection - breathtaking really! Classic masculinity is back at last!!!
    Thank You for sharing this guy

  7. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Francis J Cura is one of my top dream guys ever!!! Thank you for the hot pics, and please ad more!!
