Wednesday, May 14, 2008

He's The Boy: Vinícius Borges

The latest Boy from Terra is Vinícius Borges, a 20-year-old student of business management from Jundiaí, São Paulo. Not one of my favorites, I'm afraid, but it's still been a good year for the Boy so far. Each of the download-links below contain both the regular and members-only fotos; I'll have his making-of video in a few days.

Vinícius Borges

Vinícius Borges

Vinícius Borges

Sources: Terra the Boy,


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I think he is one of the worst IMO. This might be the reason why in a lot of the photos you don't even see his face. The photos are in general very boring as well. Please go back to Didio. This month is really 2 steps backward in every way for Terra The Boy.

  2. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I actually find him quite hot. The hottest ones are named Vinicius (Postiglione, Naval and now Borges).
