Sunday, October 05, 2008

Rock The Vote: BBB9 Candidates

The ninth season of Big Brother Brasil is in the planning stages, so it's time for us to browse the applicants and vote for the men we'd like to see on that. Consider your votes carefully -- remember, after they're eliminated, they're likely to pose barechested for the Paparazzo web site. Here's a sampling of who's applying for the job:

Rafael Rodrigues, a 27-year-old professor de educação física from Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro:

Rafael Rodrigues' profile
Rafael Rodrigues' Okrut profile

Carlos Tomaiolo, a 29-year-old fitness model and personal trainer from São Paulo. He was the winner of the Concurso Garoto Fitness Brasil contest in 2006.

Carlos Tomaiolo's profile
on Fitness Model

Edson Brandão, 41 years old, from Alemanha:

Edson Brandão's profile

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